Swimming pool slats 660 - 66 x 16 mm

Premium Longlife Tri-Extrusion Profile Type 660 with a load capacity of 11.2 kg/m2. The profile has 4 large separate closed chambers, the size of the slats is 66.7 x 16.2 mm. The slat surface is equipped with an additional layer that increases their resistance to weathering and extends their lifetime. The slats have a special double safety lock that prevents the slats from deflection towards the water under local load. The lock is opaque to prevent light penetration and prevent algae. The slat material is protected by UV stabilizer.
These slats have a higher solar effect. The air is heated in the hollow space of the profile. This heat then heats the water in the pool – a kind of greenhouse effect. Test results in the summer showed that the performance was 30 to + 40% higher than standard solar slats.

Total transparent Anti Algue

Transparent blue Anti Algue

PCTR transparent blue AA

PCTR total transparent AA

Do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to answer all your questions.


+34 681 63 60 86

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C. Cabeza de Manzaneda, 106
Punta Prima, Torrevieja 

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TP plus CL, s.r.o. Zahrádky 165, 471 01 Zahrádky, IČO:25034081 DIČ:CZ25034081
TP plus CL, s.r.o. je zapsána v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Krajským soudem v Ústí nad Labem oddíl C, vložka 13471, IČO: 25034081.