
For specific quote, please contact us by phone at +34 681 63 60 86 or by email at info@safepool.eu and we will prepare a non-binding price calculation. For a correct processing of the quotation you need to send the following information:

  • shape, size of the pool and type of the pool ( internal dimensions are important)
  • specify whether the pool is a garden or indoor pool, or whether it is recessed or partially recessed
  • if a ladder is used for access, specify its location as well as the staircase
  • the type of slats required ( see here for a our types)
  • the preferred type of installation and drive of the winding shaft
  • in the case of an existing pool, if possible send a photograph
  • place of realization and telephone contact

Our offer will be more accurate the more detailed information you provide. In case of any uncertainties or need for further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to answer all your questions.


+34 681 63 60 86

Vložením osobních údajů souhlasíte s podmínkami ochrany osobních údajů.

Find us

C. Cabeza de Manzaneda, 106
Punta Prima, Torrevieja 

You will catch us

after a telephone agreement




TP plus CL, s.r.o. Zahrádky 165, 471 01 Zahrádky, IČO:25034081 DIČ:CZ25034081
TP plus CL, s.r.o. je zapsána v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Krajským soudem v Ústí nad Labem oddíl C, vložka 13471, IČO: 25034081.