Swimming pool slats 830 - 83 x 16 mm
Solid profile type 830 with a load capacity of 12.5 kg/m2. The profile has 4 large separate CLOSED chambers, the size of the slats is 83 x 16 mm. The material of the slats is protected with UV stabilizer. Available in PC (solar, silver solar) and PVC (white, grey). The main advantages are as follows:
- These revolutionary ANTI ALGAE polycarbonate solar slats have a patented lock that prevents the formation of algae. The principle is that the top of the lock is black, so that no light can penetrate to the opposite side of the lock of the paired profile. Algae only grows from light and heat, and if one of these two elements is missing, it will prevent algae from forming. With traditional PVC or polycarbonate solar slats, algae can grow easily in the locks.
- These slats have an efficiency that is 25% higher than traditional solar slats, they insulate better and the heat is generated even by 4 chamber.
- The lock of the slats allows bending in one direction only. This of course increases the load capacity of the profile and provides much more protection from drowning. The slats are supplied in 16 mm thickness and 83 mm width. These slats offer – thanks to their size and four air-filled chambers – a much higher load capacity than the classic slats, which have a dimension of 14/60 mm and only 3 air-filled chambers.
PVC white
PVC grey
PVC sand
PC solar
PC silver solar
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+34 681 63 60 86
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TP plus CL, s.r.o. Zahrádky 165, 471 01 Zahrádky, IČO:25034081 DIČ:CZ25034081
TP plus CL, s.r.o. je zapsána v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Krajským soudem v Ústí nad Labem oddíl C, vložka 13471, IČO: 25034081.